Liesel, Liesel's mom and brother, Hans, Rosa, Rudy.
Liesel wants to read, feel loved, and accepted.
Liesel's mom wants Liesel to be fed and taught well. It must of been very hard to leave her children with somebody else. The book doesn't say why she got to the point of putting her kids into foster care.
Hans wants Liesel to feel loved and wants to help teach her about her new life and to help teach her about school.
Rosa isn't sure if she wants to get close to Liesel and love her.
Rudy is always by Liesel's side and loves her.
Themes that are beginning to appear are the importance of reading and words and how they effect people. Another theme is the importance of Liesel's relationship with Hans.
The book is structured by being first person narrator. The main character is Liesel. It is written by the narrator telling the reader what happens with Liesel but isn't an actual person. The book talks about Liesel and her life and what happens to her. In the beginning of the book there is a prologue and it talks about the three times the narrator saw Liesel. Then it goes on with the beginning of the story of Liesel going to the foster parent's house.